PRO CONECT has ensured that all measures were taken to create the decision-making legal framework regarding design, elaboration, implementation, certification, control and improvement of O.H.S.
PRO CONECT has ensured that major risks were identified: working at heights, working in hazardous electrical environments, on roads; O.H.S management action plans were developed;
PRO CONECT has taken all necessary technical, organizational, hygienic-sanitary measures to prevent accidents and occupational diseases at work, especially for employees who work in special working conditions: working at heights, working in hazardous electrical environments, on road, through:
informing and training the employees regarding the legal requirements in force for each specific job;
risk assessment for each job and informing employees about the risks to which they are exposed;
informing about their impact / consequences and the measures to be taken and complied with, in order to prevent accidents and occupational diseases at work;
workplace risks assessment when the initial conditions have been changed due to the emergence of more advanced technologies, new activities, change of location, modernization of technological processes, etc.
periodic assessment of the O.H.S. Emergency Situations Fire Prevention knowledge assimilated following the periodic OSH training, of the way it is applied in practice;
assesment of the first aid exercise provided;
strict assessment of the staff at employment, based on: health medical control, psychological testing, physical and professional capacities assessment;
acquisition of work equipments – EM, personal and collective protective equipment performance EIP that meet the compliance requirements regulated by the legislation in force and cover the full range of O.H.S. requirements specific to the related job;
hierarchically responsibility and awareness, depending on the involvement of all workers regarding O.S.H. and Fire Prevention and Emergency Situations;
the qualification of all the technicians regarding the access to the sites, the use of the stepladder, the work at heights, the preventive driving, the granting of the first aid and the activity around the electric wires.
PRO CONECT has the obligation to ensure work safety, according to legal requirements of the company’s activities, not only for its employees, but also for subcontractors, apprentices, visitors, practitioners, delegates, THIRD PARTIES, inspectors, auditors, certifiers, suppliers, if they are involved.
All staff, regardless of their position, must know, be informed, comply with, and apply the legal requirements of O.S.H. and Fire Prevention, as well as the measures for their application.

ssm@proconect.ro | ovidiu.chitimus@proconect.ro
0720 619 615 sau 0748 852 331